Monday, August 24, 2015

Journal Variety

A variety of journal pages, trying to finish one - 15 pages to go!  I can't explain why I suddenly feel the need to actually COMPLETE something, but then I probably don't need to as you all most likely totally understand.  And this is good practice for me to just work on quick pages, not get too invested in them, and move on.  Always good for me to be working consistently on a (mostly) daily basis.


  1. And...the beauty of working this can go back a year later and add to the pages you now see as quick practice ones :D XXX

  2. Fabulous portraits! Actually finishing something is rare for me - I recently completed ICAD and I felt a ridiculous sense of accomplishment! Keep going, not long until you'll have a journal completely full of gorgeousness (that is totally a word).


  3. I love the way you capture expressions - your faces always have character and strong personalities - I love the top one and I'd love to know what she's watching! They are all amazing, but I love the street scene, it reminds me of being on holiday, and that dash of orange in it just does it for me!

  4. Love the variety of your work.... you can do it.... then you get to start a new journal :)

    The street scene is like Diana says, such a reminder of holidays abroad :)

    Karen x

  5. I LOVE that last one and the first one. Oh, and the others!
    Really good work. And I totally understand about unfinished. That's basically my whole life. (thank goodness!)


Your comments are very appreciated!