Saturday, February 18, 2012

GPP Street Team - What I love

This month's crusade on Michelle Ward's Green Pepper Press Street team is to do a journal page about what we love.  I've been wanting to participate in this fun monthly crusade for a while, as I love Michelle Ward and this seems like a really great group who do great work - the website is here. I've finally gotten my act together this month enough to do it!  Here is the challenge:

I decided to make a page (in my new journal I just made, my first attempt at making one) with things I love to make art with. It was a lot of fun digging through my stash to find things that could go on a page, and of course I love it, because it's made of all things I love!


  1. Terri - welcome to the team! Thanks for coming to play and for sharing your very handsome journal page using things you love. Great stuff! I heart what you heart too! About your comment regarding Amadeus: thanks for the recommendation - we did get the special anniversary edition you mentioned and really enjoyed it. Synchronicity that you wrote me about that as we were discussing the film with friends JUST TODAY! Bravo for making your first journal, and your first entry on the street team!!

  2. I loved seeing what you love.... and it looks great together on your journal page. It reminds me of one of those gorgeous Victorian curiousity cabinets.


  3. I just love the vintage feel of this. I also love phrenology heads! And moths! But if they fly around me it freaks me out. And your colors! Thanks for playing, and sharing.

  4. Hey nice to meet your through the Crusades, it's great you found the time to participate. I love the colors in your page and the detail really appeals top me visually, even though I never manage that level of detail myself. Lovely lovely work.

  5. Excellent journal page; love the colours and the elements.

  6. This challenge looks so interesting I am quite tempted to have a go. I really love the page you made - beautiful colours and so many things that I love also!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving nice comments - my sister lived in California (Oceanside) for many years and I found it quite strange that we couldn't just go and wander around an ancient church or medieval building (which is what I love doing over here). However, I really loved visiting and found so many other great things to do - one day I'd love to visit again.

  7. LOVE it! All the "old" things you've listed are some of the reasons I became an archivist. And phrenology heads are so cool! My old boss and I found a random poster advertising a phrenology lecture, folded up and stuck in a land record index book here in our stacks. It was my favorite find at work. Thanks for reminding me of that with your page ;)

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