Thursday, February 21, 2019


I've been trying to develop an art habit again, just playing around and putting no pressure on myself. Trying to remind myself that I still know how to do some of this stuff, and that I actually enjoy it! When I'm not feeling inspired, or my job sucks too much out of me, approaching my studio starts feeling like a guilty chore, which is ridiculous. Once I actually start doing something I lose myself in it and enjoy it.  It's the STARTING that is often so hard for me. 

The piece below is done on wood covered in plaster.

I sort of took a scribble art online class (by this I mean I signed up for it and watched a couple of the  videos, which is about as long as my attention span ever lasts), in an attempt to loosen myself up, which is hard for me. But once I relax into doing it, after the first horrifying scribbles that I'm sure will have entirely ruined the piece already, I find it fun.

I can't explain this one...

 Trying to just be really loose and play with pastels.

This has been a blessedly wet winter for us, which unfortunately just makes me want to lie on the couch under a warm blanket and watch Harry Potter. Hopefully longer days and a little sunshine will help me want to start spending more time in the studio!


  1. I love it when I see a post from you pop up....

    and I love all that you shared... the angel especially... so serene.

    Share my word this year ;)

    Thank you for visiting

    Karen x

  2. Ooh Terri so lovely to see your beautiful work - I adore your flowers as I'm sure I've said several times in the past and this one is stunning! And I really 'get' the dog - I don't know why and I can't explain it either but I love it and feel it's 'right'!! The idea of a scribble class sounds great fun and the angel is so sweet, the scribbles add an ethereal look to her - it reminds me of many moons ago at art college it was suggested if starting a new piece of work that we grubby our hands up with charcoal and just rub the paper to take the whiteness away - or even gently rub the long side of a chalk or graphite pencil across the paper and then smudge - anything to mess the paper up before drawing. I must say I still find it helps now for larger pieces of work.
    Thank you for your visit to mine earlier - yes I do fire the clay at home with a kitchen blow torch, it's great fun and I'm loving it at t the moment - the silver clay is a little pricey to be doing too often and if I wanted to to do bigger pieces I would need a kiln, but using a kitchen torch keeps it affordable.
    Keep on with the 'starting' - it's always the hardest part isn't it!
    Diana xx

  3. So glad to see you back "arting" again :D I too struggle to "loosen up", but if mine turned out as lovely as yours I would be so happy :D *love the pooched pear lol* XXX


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